What's it REALLY like for participants?
People often think that when a person is released from prison/jail they get their freedom back. But for many, they simply go from one type of incarceration to another: from being locked-up to being locked out. This highly interactive simulation will help you to better understand the challenges that over 600,000 people face every year and learn what you can do to have a positive impact in helping these individuals successfully reintegrate back into the community. This workshop is organized by PURE 1, a national reentry service provider committed to building communities, changing narratives, and transforming lives.
Join us for this special opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of a person reentering into the community. Only two sessions of the Reentry Simulation will be offered and capacity is limited.
Reentry Simulation Session 1
Monday, February 27
12:45- 2:15 PM
Note: this session begins before the lunch hour ends
Reentry Simulation Session 2
Monday, February 27
2:30- 4:00 PM
Session Facilitators:

Bobby Jones-Hanley
Executive Director
Bobby is a social justice change agent dedicated to improving the lives and economic standing of people impacted by the criminal legal system. His passion for positive change is fueled by his personal life experiences. As a system impacted individual with over 30 years within the criminal justice system, he's devoted himself to changing narratives and creating opportunities for people who are justice involved. As such, he's developed Pure1.org, a national reentry support network and connection platform that helps people, both pre and post-release, get connected to the resources and connections they need to positively transform their lives.

Shanda Breed
Director of the Adult Probation Services Division
Arizona Supreme Court and Administrative Office of the Courts
Shanda Breed is the Director of Adult Probation Services of the AOC under the Arizona Supreme Court. Her team strives for continual quality improvements and providing relevant and evidenced based trainings to Adult County Probation Departments, community partners, and local courts on topics such as sex offender supervision, reentry services and responses, mental health intervention, access to treatment, effective specialty courts, GPS monitoring, transferred youth, EBP assessment and case plans, EPICS-II rollout, state funds, domestic violence, tribal and rural supervision, AmeriCorps memberships and more.