2023 Conference Evaluation Did the CACC conference meet your expectations? 1 - No, not at all 2 - Slightly, Little useful information 3 - Moderately, met some expectations 4 - Considerably, most of my expectations were met 5 - Outstanding, my expectations were more than met Was the location/setting/venue congruent to a learning environment? 1 - No, not at all 2 - Slightly, Little useful information 3 - Moderately, met some expectations 4 - Considerably, most of my expectations were met 5 - Outstanding, my expectations were more than met Did you learn something new that you can take back to your court team/administration that will help you in your role with the treatment court(s)? 1 - No, not at all 2 - Slightly, Little useful information 3 - Moderately, met some expectations 4 - Considerably, most of my expectations were met 5 - Outstanding, my expectations were more than met Were the presenters/speakers knowledgable and provide expertise that will assist you in your role with the treatment court(s)? 1 - No, not at all 2 - Slightly, Little useful information 3 - Moderately, met some expectations 4 - Considerably, most of my expectations were met 5 - Outstanding, my expectations were more than met Was there enough diversity in topics (such as; Juvenile Justice, DUI court, Law Enforcements role, Key Components, etc)? 1 - No, not at all 2 - Slightly, Little useful information 3 - Moderately, met some expectations 4 - Considerably, most of my expectations were met 5 - Outstanding, my expectations were more than met What did you like most about the conference?What did you like least about the conference?Comments: 64974 Please only hit Submit button once. It may take several seconds for the form to process. Thank you.