February 27 – March 1, 2023
Monterey, California
Thank you for attending the 2023 CACC Conference! You may review the past event info here.
View Conference Agenda
View detailed daily session descriptions below:
Education Credits
Learn about how to get your certificate and eligible sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
The California Association of Collaborative Courts (CACC) Conference audience includes a wide range of stakeholders, experts, and innovators, all dedicated to learning about, sharing information and resources, and discussing collaborative courts. Past attendees include judicial officers, public defenders, district attorneys, probation officers, law enforcement, treatment providers, social workers, court staff, policy makers, researchers, and more.
Whether you’re a judicial officer recently assigned to a collaborative court, a probation officer just assigned to a collaborative court team, or a policy maker working to implement policies to start a collaborative court program or continue to grow one, the annual CACC Conference offers learning opportunities and connections to the community you need to learn and grow.
The 2023 CACC Conference will be a two and a half-day in-person event on February 27, 2023 to March 1, 2023. The conference will be held in Monterey, CA at the Monterey Marriott. The event will feature keynote speakers, plenary sessions, breakout sessions, and more.
The Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC), provider number 2303, will provide Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credits for approved sessions at the 2023 CACC Conference.
Continuing education units will be offered only for the CA Consortium of Addictions Programs and Professionals (CCAPP).
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and California Association of Collaborative Courts (CACC). Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
CA Consortium of Addictions Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Accreditation has been approved by to CA Consortium of Addictions Programs and Professionals (CCAPP). Up to 14.75 hours credit.
Conference registration is $375 for members and $450 for non-members. Please join or renew your membership before registering to obtain the membership rate for the conference.
Yes! You can purchase registration for up to 7 people per transaction, but there is no limit to the number of attendees from any particular organization or county.
You can pay by credit card when registering online. If you need to pay by check, please contact us at conference@wearecacc.org and we'll provide additional instructions on how to pay by check.
We understand that plans can change unexpectedly. If you cancel your registration by January 27, 2023, you will receive a full refund on your conference registration, less a $20 cancellation fee. Requests for refunds due to emergencies or unforeseen circumstances after January 27, 2023 will be considered on a case by case basis.
CACC is committed to ensuring the 2023 CACC Conference at the Marriott Monterey follows local, state, and federal guidelines related to large gatherings. We are working closely with the Marriott Monterey and all contracted conference hotels to ensure appropriate protocols are in place.
We assure you that we are taking the recommended health precautions issued by the Center for Disease Control, California Department of Public Health, and Monterey County Health Authority to provide a safe place for our conference attendees, staff, faculty, and corporate sponsors.
Covid protocols at the CACC 2023 Conference, including mask requirements, evidence of vaccination, and sanitizing surfaces will comply with requirements of Monterey County and the State of California as well as Monterey Marriott.
More information on guidelines:
- Marriott Monterey Covid-19 Protocols
Link: https://whattoexpect.marriott.com/mryca - Monterey County Department of Public Health– Covid-19
Link: https://www.co.monterey.ca.us/government/departments-a-h/administrative-office/office-of-emergency-services/response/covid-19 - Center for Disease Control
Link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html - California Governor’s Update
Link: https://covid19.ca.gov/
Yes! To find out more about our sponsorship levels, please email us at conference@wearecacc.org
Past Hotel Information
Monterey Marriott

The conference room block was fully booked in 2023!
Portola Hotel and Spa
(Overflow Hotel)

The conference room block is fully booked.
Conference Updates
Save the Date: CACC Conference 2025
NEW TOOL: Public Health Meets Public Safety
Exhibitor & Sponsor Opportunities Available
Exhibitor tables and conference sponsorships are available! Please contact us at conference@wearecacc.org for more details.
Conference tuition for four (4)
Premium space for Exhibit table at the conference
Full-page advertisement in the conference program
One Daytime workshop space available
Logo & promotion on CACC website with link for 12 months
Breakfast and Boxed Lunch Provided
Conference tuition for three (3)
Premium space for Exhibit table at the conference
Half page advertisement in the conference program
Logo & promotion on CACC website with link for 6 months
Breakfast and Boxed Lunch Provided
Conference tuition for two (2)
Premium space for Exhibit table at the conference
Half-page advertisement in the conference program
Logo & promotion on CACC website with link for 3 months
Breakfast and Boxed Lunch Provided
Conference tuition for 1
Space for Exhibit table